Sunday, April 12, 2009

It's enough to make a guy stop believing in coincidences...

It's odd how patterns surface in our lives, if only we are aware. How often have you had a thought or idea in your head, only to have that same thought materialize before you time after time in the following days. 

I've been reading "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman and in the book there is mention of the Norse god Odin and the sacrifice he made by being hung from a tree for a period of nine days whilst being pierced by a spear. 

Just a night or two following, I watched "Harper's Island," some new serial drama on Tv. In the show, they mentioned a serial killer who had killed a handful of people and subsequently hanged their bodies from a nearby tree. 

Yesterday my wife and I were driving back from Sunday Easter brunch at my sister's house, and on the radio played Johnette Napolitano's "Suicide Note" from the "Underworld" soundtrack. In the song the lyrics go, "I wanted to believe......bodies swingin' from trees....strugglin' to stand....with your head in your hands...the stoic last stand of a dying man...."

I know it isn't much, but it's enough to make me pause for a moment in wonder...

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