Sunday, May 1, 2011

Training Update - 5.1.11

this morning's workout - deadlifts & back

The gym was mostly empty and quiet as a crypt this morning, as Sunday mornings usually are. We started with deadlifts and did a few warmup sets to begin with. My body was feeling really good today. I took Saturday off as a recovery day and I think it was beneficial. My legs felt particularly good as I was warming up, no pain, no kinks, just smooth and strong.

I set up for my first working set and cranked out 5 reps with no problem. I tried using some lifting straps but they were just distracting and got in the way, so I ditched them and just went back to my gloves and an alternating grip. I cranked out two more sets super strong and didn't even need any extra breaths in the last rep or two. It felt great. Last week I felt like I struggled with 195 and today I dominated it. Next round I will put on 205 and try that.

I followed up deadlifts with some barbell rows for my back. I will need to rethink doing these immediately after deadlifts because my glutes and hamstrings were already fatigued. Bending over with the bar made it pretty tough to keep my back straight and not pitch forward or bend my knees too much. I cranked out a few sets and called it done.

I was pretty impressed with my energy level at the gym today. Before we left for the gym I drank about 10 oz of some Diet Mt. Dew, and then at the gym I drank my 32 oz water bottle with 4 scoops of my XTend energy/recovery drink. I'm guessing the caffeine from the Dew and the XTend combined with a little adrenaline from my great deadlift sets all contributed to my elevated energy levels.

I followed up on the treadmill and felt pretty awesome, increasing the incline from my usual 3.0 to 3.5, and my walking speed from the usual 3.5 to 3.7. My heart rate seemed to stay in the 130's, so I think that's where I'd like to be. Hopefully I can continue to make some small gains with my cardio. Tomorrow is intervals and no lifting.

squat - 195 lbs
deadlift - 195 lbs
bench - 160 lbs
press - 85 lbs

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